Thursday, August 5, 2010

Re-drawing into Sketch-up designs

Contrast: I am really pleased with the out come of this image because I think that through the process of re-drawing into the image it has become more dynamic.

Datum: I am pleased with the out come of this image as I think that through the process of re-drawing into the image it has evolved.
Symmetry: I think this image needs to be repeated in oder to make it a bit more interesting.
Rhythm: I am also pleased with the out come of this image because as I have repeated it, it has become more three dimensional.
Proportion/Composition: I think this drawing still needs some work as it is still pretty simplistic.
Hierarchy: I found it very difficult to re-draw into this image and to be able to create the effect I wanted. Unfortunately I did not capture the look I was going for but I think it will be easier to do so in sketch.
Figure ground: I am happy with the outcome of this image as I think that through the process of re-drawing into the image it has become more interesting.

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