Thursday, August 12, 2010

Final Works

Heirarchy Final:
Symmetry Final: Datum Final:

Rhythm Final:

Proportion Final:

Figure Ground Final:

Contrast Final:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

3D Concepts with repeatable pattern

Rhythm: I like how changing the oppacity has made this design look more three dimensional.

Contrast: I like the angle of this design.

Symmetry: I think the blue helps this image to stand out more.

Datum: I think through adding the texture/pattern it has made this image look more three dimensional.

Proportion: I like the colour of this one.
Figure Ground: I think the pattern works well on my figure ground 3d, however I think I might need to chose a different angle.
Hierarchy: like the angle of my hierarchy 3d. Im not sure what im going to do with the back ground

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Datum: Contrast:
Figure Ground:

Re-drawing into Sketch-up designs

Contrast: I am really pleased with the out come of this image because I think that through the process of re-drawing into the image it has become more dynamic.

Datum: I am pleased with the out come of this image as I think that through the process of re-drawing into the image it has evolved.
Symmetry: I think this image needs to be repeated in oder to make it a bit more interesting.
Rhythm: I am also pleased with the out come of this image because as I have repeated it, it has become more three dimensional.
Proportion/Composition: I think this drawing still needs some work as it is still pretty simplistic.
Hierarchy: I found it very difficult to re-draw into this image and to be able to create the effect I wanted. Unfortunately I did not capture the look I was going for but I think it will be easier to do so in sketch.
Figure ground: I am happy with the outcome of this image as I think that through the process of re-drawing into the image it has become more interesting.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Design principles-3d sketches

These are my hand drawn 3D sketches for the chosen design principals. I chose to develop aspects of the chosen 7 designs as I wanted them to be less complex and more elegant. It will be interesting to see how I can develop them in Sketchup. (Designs in order are.. Symmetry, proportion/composition, Rhythm,Hierarchy, Figure ground, Datum and Contrast)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Chosen Figure-ground design and repeatable pattern

Figure-Ground:This is the chosen figure ground design and the repeatable pattern created from it.

Chosen contrast and repeated pattern

Contrast: This is my chosen Contrast design and repeated pattern made from it.

Chosen symmetry and repeated pattern

Symmetry:This is my chosen Symmetry design and repeated pattern made from it.

Chosen Rhythm and repeated pattern

Rhythm: This is my chosen Rhythm design and repeated pattern made from it.

Chosen Proportion-composition and repeated pattern

Proportion-Composition: This is my chosen Proportion/composition design and the repeated pattern made from it.

Chosen Hierarchy and repeated pattern

Hierarchy: This is my chosen Hierarchy design and the repeated pattern made from it.

Chosen Datum and repeated pattern

Datum:This is my chosem Datum design that I have decided to develop further, and the repeated pattern made from it.