Thursday, September 30, 2010

100 words

When creating this model I referred to my nine sketches I did for project two that evolved from my figure ground sketches from the first project. My figure ground sketch originated from the idea of a flower. The colour scheme I have chosen is not symbolic or even representational. It arose through the process of trial and error, I have chosen to use a range of greens that have different qualities e.g. some are reflective. I believe model possesses deep broody quality and I want my animation to be in keeping with this feel. When animating my design I want each layer to elegantly rotate at different time, however I don’t want the time difference between each layers rotation to be too large.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Final Three Renders

I am very pleased with my final three renders.

More Rendering Trials

I like the view of this image however I don't like the brown material.
I love the glass kind of look that this render has but I think there is to much of it on the right hand side.
I like this render, I was going to use it as one of my final three renders but I had another couple of images that I liked better that had a similar view and I didn't want them to all be the same.
I found it interesting how the light effected the outcome of the render so dramatically.

Rendering Trials

I really like the outcome of these three renders. I like the kind of translucent look that they have and the different shades of green.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Final Works

Heirarchy Final:
Symmetry Final: Datum Final:

Rhythm Final:

Proportion Final:

Figure Ground Final:

Contrast Final:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

3D Concepts with repeatable pattern

Rhythm: I like how changing the oppacity has made this design look more three dimensional.

Contrast: I like the angle of this design.

Symmetry: I think the blue helps this image to stand out more.

Datum: I think through adding the texture/pattern it has made this image look more three dimensional.

Proportion: I like the colour of this one.
Figure Ground: I think the pattern works well on my figure ground 3d, however I think I might need to chose a different angle.
Hierarchy: like the angle of my hierarchy 3d. Im not sure what im going to do with the back ground

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Datum: Contrast:
Figure Ground: